The Blog of the
Dev Team.
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Custom negated matchers for RSpec
Authoring a Private Gem with Gemfury
We'd like to be your Coaching Company for RGSoC 2017!
Converting a Latin1 encoded HTML Document with Elixir (1)
Upgrading from a PostgreSQL version Homebrew already abandoned
Dream of BEMifornication – or how we refactored our scss with linting
Call by what? An adventure story about evaluation strategies
Loading Controller-specific Assets with Sprockets v3.0
Adhoc Exports on Heroku's Console
Including a Module. With Parameters!
Computational web services with R programming language
Let's work together during RGSoC 2016!
Exploring the Levenshtein algorithm with Ruby
Lazy Logic: Efficiently Reduce An Array To A Boolean
Instant Local Nginx SSL/TLS Proxy
Handle REXML::ParseExceptions with 'Schneiderlein'
Insert Rack Middleware during Tests
Back to Marshal'ed Cookie-Serialization
Ruby on Waves: Πάντα ῥεῖ
Bulk-Truncate Your Rails Apps' test.logs
Vim Berlin Usergroup @ ABSOLVENTA
JSDoc and the Revealing Module Pattern
Converting large XML documents to Ruby Hashes
A Lightweight Firewall/Blacklist as Rack-Middleware
Stubbing an invalid record for inherited_resources
Binary Christmas Tree
Aggregate And Conquer
Watching A Certificate Revocation List Using Event Girl
Rate Limiting Work On ActiveRecord::Base With .find_each In Edge Rails