Call by what? An adventure story about evaluation strategies

Posted on July 15, 2016 by Robin Neumann

Evaluation of methods

When I learned C++ at university some time ago, the concept of references and pointers fascinated and confused me simultaneously. But for some reason I liked tinkering with it.

I was remembered to that time when I was recently confronted with so-called evaluation strategies in a completely different context. Talking about programming languages, an evaluation strategy is a description on what happens to the arguments that have been passed to a function when the function is executed.

When it comes to evaluation strategies, C++ has a pretty clear and simple answer to a theorist’s questions: The programmer can explictly control if a function/method should use the strategy call-by-value or call-by-reference for method evaluation. This is possible because in C++ there is an explicit seperation between values (content of memory blocks) and references/pointers to them.

What does call-by-value and call-by-reference mean?

Call by value and call-by-reference are probably the most popular evaluation strategies used in major programming languages today.

Losely spoken, call-by-value means that the argument that has been passed into a function gets copied before it is used during execution. The original expression is not modified or touched and the function body gets its own copy to play with.

Let’s assume we own a picture of monkey. And now we meet a pirate, that loves drawing. The pirate wants to draw a banana onto our picture. If the pirate likes call-by-value, he’ll copy the picture first, draw a banana onto his copy and hands back the copy with the banana.

On the other hand, call-by-reference means that the expression that is passed to the function is not copied. It is directly used in the function body. That means, the pirate would directly draw his banana onto the monkey picture that we own. Our original picture has been modified.

Eh, can you convert these thoughts to some concrete code, please?

let’s assume we have written a C++ snippet as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Picture {
    std::string content;

void drawBananaOntoACopyOf( Picture p ) {
  p.content = "A monkey with a banana";

int main() {
  Picture p;
  p.content = "A monkey";
  std::cout << p.content << "\n";


  std::cout << p.content << "\n";
  return 0;

The function drawBananaOntoACopyOf will take an instance of an data structure called Picture. When we would have written it this way, the value p will be copied to the function’s body data available during execution, when drawBananaOntoACopy is invoked. Running the program will cause the following output:

A monkey
A monkey

If we would conversly write

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Picture {
    std::string content;

void drawBananaDirectlyOnto( Picture& p ) {
  p.content = "A monkey with a banana";

int main() {
  Picture p;
  p.content = "A monkey";
  std::cout << p.content << "\n";


  std::cout << p.content << "\n";
  return 0;

then, when drawBananaDirectlyOnto is invoked, p will be a reference to an existing picture structure somewhere in the memory. The &-sign indicates this to the compiler, it’s a syntactic method of C++ to control the evaluation strategy (call-by-reference in the latter case).

The output would be:

A monkey
A monkey with a banana

Hm. Ok. Seems pretty clear. Where’s the joke?

The situation is a bit more interesting for other programming languages, like Ruby. Eager readers can short circuit this reading and head over to a very enlightening discussion on stackoverflow, but I’d like to recap the discussion and the final result in my own words.

First, unlike C++, Ruby has no built-in seperation between values and references. Everything we save to variables in Ruby is a reference to an object. We only have access to the things in the memory via these references.

But what happens if we pass these variables (holding references) into Ruby methods? What kind of evaluation strategy does Ruby use? Let’s examine.

Meanwhile in the laboratory

Consider the following Ruby code:

def dabble(human)
  puts "When dabbling, I dabble with the object_id #{human.object_id}"
  human = human.reverse # I am an important line. Why?

human = 'Richard Feynman'

puts "The input human is #{human}"
puts "It has the object_id #{human.object_id}"
puts "Let's dabble!"


puts "After dabbling the scientist is named #{human}"

Running this snippet results in the following output:

The input human is Richard Feynman
It has the object_id 70159717619940
Let's dabble!
When dabbling, I dabble with the object_id 70159717619940
After dabbling the scientist is named Richard Feynman

At the first hand, this may intuitively feel like Ruby is using call-by-reference, since the object_id inside the function body is the same as before, so it looks like there has no “copying” being performed. What we put in, is obviously a reference similar to the references in the C++-examples.


But this only true at the surface. Let’s remember the fact mentioned above: Ruby has no values in the sense of C++, Ruby only has (object) references. The only way of modifying a reference is assignment. Assignments either change existing references or create new ones. Keeping that in mind, concentrate on this line in the Ruby code example:

human = human.reverse

Let’s assume that Ruby would have used call-by-reference. Then, according to our “definition” above, the argument human, which is a reference, that has been passed to the method dabble, has not been copied. It has directly been passed to the method body.

If so, the assignment human = human.reverse within the method body would have modified the (original) reference that has been created before method invocation. The expression human.reverse would have created a new string (the reversed) with a new object_id and the existing reference human would now point to the new object, the reversed string, because it has been assigned.

But, as proven by the output, this is not the case. The original reference points to the same thing and has not been changed. If Ruby would use call-by-reference human would point to the reversed string in a new memory block afterwards - but it doesn’t.

In the stackoverflow discussion I already mentioned are great explanation pictures - I’d like to pick up some thoughts of the answers here:

Check the variable situation when the method body of dabble starts:

var_human_outside_the_method -------→  "Richard Feynman"
var_human_inside_the_method  -------------------

When running the first line of dabble, there are two references to the string “Richard Feynman”. One original and the copy held by dabble. I intentionally chose them both to have the same name, which may is confusing.

Then, the assignment human = human.reverse inside the dabble method changes the situation as follows:

var_human_outside_the_method -------→  "Richard Feynman" 
var_human_inside_the_method  ------------------→ "namnyeF drahciR"

A bigger picture

As we have seen, one could argue that Ruby uses call-by-value when applying the “canoncial” terminology used in computer science strictly. Up to now we only discussed two specific evaluaton strategies. But I’d like to underline that the world of evaluation strategies is not binary - it’s a bit more colored than only black and white. There are some other approaches beside call-by-value and call-by-reference and even the latter trategies can be differentiated a bit more.

The wikipedia article on evaluation strategies calls the variant of Ruby is using call-by-sharing, which is an interesting point of view, since it is more suitable for languages that do “wrap” all values, i.e. Ruby with its object references.

The description found in that article reads as follows:

The semantics of call by sharing differ from call by reference in that assignments to function arguments within the function aren’t visible to the caller, (unlike by reference semantics), so e.g. if a variable was passed, it is not possible to simulate an assignment on that variable in the caller’s scope

… and that’s exactly what happened in our Ruby script. The assignment human = human.reverse was not visible to the “global” scope outside the method dabble.

I ran into this discussion with myself while reading some chapters of the book Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin C. Pierce. It contains a discussion of evaluation/reduction strategies of the so-called λ-calculus, which serves as a theoretical model of computation and can be seen as a great-grandfather of all today’s functional programming languages.

Playing with these concepts encouraged me recapitulating how non-theoretical languages, like C++ or Ruby, accomodate this and how the “practical” evaluation strategies performed by Ruby or C++ relate to the original definitions given in the context of formal systems like the λ-calculus.

If you want to dig deeper, more details of call-by-value as evaluation/reduction strategy for the λ-calculus can be found in a paper by Gordon Plotkin from 1975 as well as, more convenient for non-computer-science-researchers, in Chapter 5 of TAPL.

As mentioned, I found the discussion related to this question on stackoverflow very educational, so if I left you confused about the topic, there’s a good chance that you’ll find illumination there.

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