Handle REXML::ParseExceptions with 'Schneiderlein'

Posted on November 25, 2014 by Robin Neumann

In order to keep our XML API compliant with RESTful constraints, we observed dissonant behavior regarding the correct use of the HTTP protocol semantics: Whenever a customer accidentally sends malformed XML attached to a formally valid (w.r.t to header data and authorization) request, it will be responded with HTTP status code 500 by the request catching Rails application.

From the perspective of API design this is not best practice for several reasons: First of all, the customer does not get any information about what went wrong and what to do next, so that’s somehow the opposite of a solid hypermedia approach.

Second, it’s not correct behavior to reflect the global situation. Formally the HTTP status code is correct, since the regular application cyclce is broken on the server side. But initially it was caused by problems contained in the post data - and it needs to be fixed on the client side. Consequently it would be way better to handle these errors more confidently and respond with a 4xx type status code. In particular, customer input should not be able to break the server in general.

To come over it, we started a pair session to learn more about the internals of ActionDispatch::XmlParamsParser, which is the one we use for parsing the submitted XML data. The bottleneck for our problem is the invocation of Hash.from_xml, L10 below:

# Note that this is just a snippet, original definition:
# rails/actionpack-xml_parser/master/lib/action_dispatch/xml_params_parser.rb
def parse_formatted_parameters(env)
  if mime_type == Mime::XML
    # Rails 4.1 moved #deep_munge out of the request and into ActionDispatch::Request::Utils
    munger = defined?(Request::Utils) ? Request::Utils : request

    data = munger.deep_munge(Hash.from_xml(request.body.read) || {})
    request.body.rewind if request.body.respond_to?(:rewind)

Passing in a string containing problematic XML as argument to Hash.from_xml, e.g. missing closing tags, will raise a REXML::ParseException.

There is a nice blog post by thoughtbot that highly inspired our variant of solving the problem: A custom Rack middleware that is invoked before ActionDispatch::XmlParamsParser.

In contrast to the solution presented in blog post mentioned we don’t want to respond directly on middleware layer. Instead we save the excetion information in an additional environment variable, which we can be read on the controller layer afterwards to a proper response:

class FlyCatcher < Struct.new(:app)
  def call(env)
    rescue ActionDispatch::ParamsParser::ParseError => e
      env['rack.schneiderlein.parse_errors'] = Array(e.message)


  def remove_errors_from(env)
    env['rack.input']     = StringIO.new
    env['rack.errors']    = StringIO.new
    env['RAW_POST_DATA']  = ''
    env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'

Note that the middleware needs to be invoked before params parsing, e.g.:

Rails.application.configure do |config|
  config.middleware.insert_before 'ActionDispatch::ParamsParser', 'FlyCatcher'

Putting these ingredients together was the birth of our gem Schneiderlein. Inspired by the fairytale »Das Tapfere Schneiderlein« (»The Valiant Little Tailor«) by the Grimm Brothers, our little tailor catches tiny errors. Since the gem structure is engine-like the custom middleware is integrated automatically by loading the gem. Occurring parse errors can be handled in the responsible controller then:

class ApiController < ApplicationController
  before_action :handle_parse_errors

  respond_to :json, :xml


  def handle_parse_errors
    schneiderlein = Schneiderlein::Catch.new(request)
    respond_with schneiderlein.errors, status: 422 if schneiderlein.errors.any?
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