Back to Marshal'ed Cookie-Serialization

Posted on August 30, 2014 by Carsten Zimmermann

Upgrading to Rails v4.1, it felt like a good idea to switch to the new default serialization format: JSON. Upgrading from the Marshal’ed serialization to JSON was as simple as setting Rails’ cookies serializer to :hybrid. Easy enough and »better go with the new Rails default«, I thought.

We were warned about the implications. The Rails Upgrade Guide states:

When using the :json or :hybrid serializer, you should beware that not all Ruby objects can be serialized as JSON. For example, Date and Time objects will be serialized as strings, and Hashes will have their keys stringified.

Only we had to realize the hard way that an external library was dumping high level objects into the (cookie-based) session that couldn’t easily and transparently be deserialized again.

Unfortunately, there is no real rollback option: Setting the serializer back to :marshal will get you parser errors when Marshal.load is fed with JSON data.

Since our application started generating JSON-serialized session data after our change was rolled out, I came up with the following »rolling rollback« strategy:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb

rescue_from 'TypeError' do |e|
  if e.message.starts_with? 'incompatible marshal file format'
    store = Rails.application
    request.session =, request.env)
    raise e

A simple reset_session won’t do as that already tries to access the (invalid) session object. The rescue hook will regenerate a new Marshal-serialized session for all those who have already received JSON data, but will of course terminate their existing sessions (login data, shopping cart … you name it).

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